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sape ni?

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skudai, johor, Malaysia
“Orang yang bijak akan berusaha merubah kerugian menjadi keuntungan. Sedangkan orang yang bodoh akan membuat suatu musibah menjadi bertambah2 buruk dan memalangkan dirinya sendiri..” Assalam...& hii sumer~~ My blog is my diary..kind of la... & dimana Segala expression di Ekspres kan di Sini.. Not for MOney~ U can Know me By Read My blog. whether im Good Or Not U decide. my famili is my priority.. my friends always loved by me.. & Love him & i love myself..

u follow me ::

Sunday, November 28, 2010

melembutkan hati anak yang degil.~~

Secara fitrahnya semua ibu bapa mahukan anak-anak yang menghormati ibu bapa, mentaati hukum agama, sentiasa menjauhi maksiat serta tidak terjebak dengan gejala sosial.

Pengalaman penulis di Darussyifa’ sering bertemu dengan ibu bapa yang mengadu tentang anak-anak mereka yang terjebak dengan gejala sosial seperti anak-anak yang lari dari rumah, bergaul dengan remaja yang rosak akhlak, berzina, menagih dadah, melawan ibu-bapa, kasar serta biadab dengan ibu bapa dan seumpamanya.

Ibu bapa yang datang ke Darussyifa’ ini meminta perawat mengikhtiarkan sesuatu supaya anak-anak mereka boleh dipulihkan. Di antara yang biasa dilakukan oleh perawat ialah membaca doa-doa tertentu pada air seperti Surah al-Fatihah, Doa Pelembut Hati (Surah Taha ayat 1 hingga 5), Selawat Syifa’, Selawat Tafrijiyah, Doa Menghindar Maksiat (Surah al-Mu’min ayat 3) dan beberapa doa-doa yang lain. Air yang telah dibacakan dengan doa ini diberi minum kepada anak-anak yang bermasalah ini juga dibuat bilasan mandi.

Salah satu ikhtiar yang sangat mujarab bagi mengatasi anak-anak yang suka melawan ibu-bapa ialah dengan memberi minum anak-anak ini dengan air tadahan lebihan wuduk ibu-bapa. Caranya seperti berikut;

1. Ibu dan bapa terlebih dahulu membersihkan semua anggota wuduk dengan sabun. Anggota-anggota wuduk ini termasuk yang rukun dan sunat iaitu mulut, hidung, muka, kedua tangan, kepala, kedua-dua telinga dan kaki hingga buku lali.

2. Setelah dibersihkan anggota-anggota wuduk tersebut, gunakan air minuman atau air mineral untuk mengambil wuduk.

3. Cara yang mudah, duduk di atas kerusi dan letakkan baldi di bahagian antara kedua belah kaki. Biar isteri tolong menuangkan air untuk mengambil wuduk.

4. Membasuh semua anggota wuduk tiga kali. Mulakan dengan membaca bismillah. Basuh kedua belah tapak tangan diikuti dengan berkumur-kumur, membersihkan hidung. Pastikan air yang telah digunakan untuk membasuh tapak tangan dan berkumur-kumur masuk ke dalam baldi.

5. Berniat mengambil wuduk diikuti membasuh muka, seterusnya membasuh kedua tangan hingga ke siku, menyapu sedikit air di bahagian kepala, membasuh telinga dan akhir sekali membasuh kedua belah kaki hingga ke buku lali.

6. Setelah suami selesai, isteri pula mengambil wuduk dengan cara yang sama manakala suami pula yang membantu menuangkan air.

7. Setelah selesai, air lebihan wuduk yang terkumpul di dalam baldi tersebut dicampurkan dengan air biasa.

8. Beri minum air tersebut kepada Mandikan anak-anak yang bermasalah dengan air tersebut. Insya’Allah dia akan menjadi anak yang patuh kepada kedua ibu-bapanya.

Pencegahan Awal

Daripada pengamatan penulis serta kajian yang telah dibuat, lebih 90% ibu-bapa yang datang mengadu anak mereka bermasalah, apabila diperdengarkan doa berikut, mereka kata tidak pernah pun mendengar doa ini. Doa tersebut adalah seperti berikut;

Terjemahannya: Ya Allah, jauhkan syaitan daripada kami dan jauhkan syaitan daripada anak yang akan Engkau anugerahkan kepada kami.

Doa yang tersebut di atas adalah dipetik daripada hadis nabi seperti berikut;

KnoWinG yOuRseLf!

i found one article. a nice one.maybe can help us :

Knowing Yourself by Kimberly Fulcher
Who are you?  What do you stand for?  What do you believe in?  What engages your passion?  What brings tears of gratitude and joy to your eyes?  Do you know, or have you lost yourself? 

When you began dating your last partner or the person you share your life with, didn’t you move heaven and earth to make time for them? 

When you were with them, didn’t you go out of your way to get to know them?  What if you were to take a similar approach to rediscovering yourself?  Here are some “baby steps” you can take to get reacquainted with yourself.

Writing your thoughts on paper can be profound.  The process of journaling can support you in learning about what you’re afraid of, what you’re passionate about, and what you aspire to. 

Buy yourself a beautiful notebook, and a pen you enjoy writing with.  Find 20 quiet minutes in your day, and steal away to a comfortable place in your home.  Begin your process by writing as if you were talking with yourself.  Write about how you’re feeling, what’s bothering or exciting you, or the day ahead of you, or answer questions from books or personal development programs you’ve been reading.   

Remember that your journal can be messy and illegible.  It’s for your eyes only, and doesn’t need to be presentable.  Enjoy the process of establishing a connection with you through the written word.

Meditation is not about attaining a state of emptiness while sitting in the lotus position.  It’s about observing yourself in the present moment.  Find 10 quiet moments in your day, and sit comfortably.  Your goal should be to “empty” yourself of any anxiety or worry.  Focus on your breath, and allow the thoughts that enter your mind to be there.  Acknowledge them, but don’t focus on understanding what they mean, or solving any problems.  Just allow yourself to be still.

There are numerous studies documenting the physical and emotional benefits of moving your body.  Exercise can be a meditation in and of itself.  If you’re the type of person who has a really hard time slowing down, this may be a great way for you to begin committing to time to be with yourself.

Walking is a moving mediation.  It allows you to slow down, and notice what’s going on around you.  If you usually move a million miles per hour, walking can allow you to focus on being fully present, while

indulging in the movement you find so vital.  It can provide you with an opportunity to mull over something that may be on your mind, or simply to notice the beauty and bounty of what surrounds you. 

Though not a common “vehicle” to self discovery, driving can prove to be an interesting process, especially if it’s difficult to find a quiet place in your home.  Fill your tape or cd changer with your favourite music, and hit the road to an unknown destination.  See where your “self” leads you….

Authentic Outings
A day spent wandering boutiques, a stolen hour in a bookstore, a mid-afternoon matinee, a journaling session in a coffee shop, or an afternoon being pampered at your favorite spa.  These are authentic outings, and indulging in activities like these is similar to dating yourself.  This is where you take time to be with you, with no purpose in mind other than sheer enjoyment.

Old Hobbies
What did you love to do when you were a small child?  Did you scrapbook?  Did you take dance classes, or write short stories?  The authenticity of childhood interests cannot be denied.  Revisit the things you used to love to do as a kid.  You will be amazed at the passion within you, just waiting to be rediscovered.  

New Interests
Investigate and research things you find intriguing.  Do you have a friend who spends her time in ways that you envy or admire?  Did you used to dream about being great at something?  Did you used to wish for your family to support you in the pursuit of a special talent or interest?  Give yourself the permission and the support to explore it now.  Who knows where this new path could lead?

The approach you take is not important.  The fact that you make the time to reconnect with yourself is.  Try a little of each approach, and see what works for you.  Have fun, and continually explore!


While waiting for my other friend to continue my job.
i do stupid activities.such as kill the moskitos around me..haha.
but i take 1 quiz about knowing urself.& dis what i got.

Your view on yourself:
You are down-to-earth and people like you because you are so straightforward. You are an efficient problem solver because you will listen to both sides of an argument before making a decision that usually appeals to both parties.
The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:
You are not looking merely for a girl/boyfriend - you are looking for your life partner. Perhaps you should be more open-minded about who you spend time with. The person you are looking for might hide their charm under their exterior.Your readiness to commit to a relationship:
You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person.
The seriousness of your love:
You like to flirt and behave seductively. The opposite sex finds this very attractive, and that's why you'll always have admirers hanging off your arms. But how serious are you about choosing someone to be in a relationship with?
Your views on education
Education is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can.
The right job for you:
You're a practical person and will choose a secure job with a steady income. Knowing what you like to do is important. Find a regular job doing just that and you'll be set for life.
How do you view success:
Success in your career is not the most important thing in life. You are content with what you have and think that being with someone you love is more than spending all of your precious time just working.
What are you most afraid of:
You are afraid of having no one to rely on in times of trouble. You don't ever want to be unable to take care of yourself. Independence is important to you.
Who is your true self:
You are full of energy and confidence. You are unpredictable, with moods changing as quickly as an ocean. You might occasionally be calm and still, but never for long

* Some of that are true.but some.not so true la.its a game.but a nice one.~~

Friday, November 26, 2010

kisah 2 sahabat baik

kisah 2 sahabat baik.

di satu malam yang kelam-kelam..ditemani lampu neon.ade dua ekor sahabat baik bernama ito &itis.Mereka harus melakukan sesuatu bagi memastikan mereka kekal bertenaga untuk menyara anak isteri dirumah.
ito : itis ko jage line...jangan sampai kite ternampak dek orang2..habis kite nanti.
ujar ito dalam nada kebimbangan.
itis : jangan risau.aku pasti warna kulit kita yang tak berapa nak cerah ni..tak kan di ketahui orang punye.ito,projek kite kat mane malam ni?
itis bercakap dengan nada yang agak bongkak.ito hanye tersenyum sinis
ito :ko ikut je aku.aku dah aim minah ni dari petang tadi.badan dier montok.mesti besh punye.
ito meluahkan perasaan sambil lidahnye terkeluar.(itis berbisik dalam hatinye..
itis : boleh tahan gatai kawan aku neh..
itis bercakap perlahan.
ceepuk..bunyi satu tamparan hebat..aa'aa..naa..bukan tamparan wanita c feminin tuh. ni tamparan kejantanan..
ito :kalu ko xgatal bak pe ko ikut aku neh.heran betoi aku.xmo ikut duk jauh2.
ito merase sedikit kecewa dgn rakanya itu,entah sejak bile rakannya itu bertaubat dier pun xtaw..
ito :ko nk ikut ke x?
itis :mestilah aku ikut,banyak cantek ko makan sorg.barang baik baik kenduri same2..wahahahaah..itis yg tadi berlagak suci tetiba keluar tanduk kegatalan.
 dah2 diam..ito bersuare..

zzzzz..zzzzkroh...krohh...krohh...bunyi gadis montok tadi tidur rupenye...
itis : ito,suare tu mcm ganas la.i takut.
ito :sekali lg ko bt perangai mereng ko tu.aku tendang ko terpelanting keluar tingkap.
itis: ala ko ni..time2 mcm ni kenala buat lawak cket.

ito:wala wey..tengok tu itis.badan minah ni...penuh berkrim disukai ramai.aku dah terliur nie..aku nak mule kat betis dier...i like.
itis :betis :bunguk jugak ko ni...badan sikit punye montok situ jugak ko pilih...suke hati ko...aku nak aim tu..yg menggunug tu..hihi..malu la plak..
ito :jgn bising nnt dier bangun abes peluang kite.
mereka pun memulakan operasi yang agak dengeres itu.
itis :kejap2...
ito :ape ke bende?/kacau btl ko ni.,
itis :kite mulekan dgn bismillah dulu.smile.jom start
ito :bodoh jugak kawan aku sekor ni..

mereka kesedapan...dan gadis montok itu pula tidur mcm tak pernah tido...dier tidak sedar pun ape yg berlaku.kasian dia..

ahh..ahh..apsal betis aku dgn ehem2 aku ni gatal semacam jew...gadis montok tu bersuare..
ito dan itis pulak tengah berseronok menghisap sambil menari lagu asyik2...amelina.

pang! satu tamparan hangat kali ini btl2 tamparan wanita hinggap di badan ito.
ito ;adoi sakit kepalaku.apakah yang berlaku ini.aku mengalami gegaran otak.itis mana ko.
akibat tamparan itu ito hampir pengsan.tak sangka jemari comel gadis montok itu hampir membuat kepalanya berpinar...

itis:ito lari..lari...lari..gadis montok dah bangun...lari.itis menyorok disebalik jendela sebaik sahaja tamparan wanita melekat di badan ito.

gadis montok : ini kerja korang ek!aku tido elok2..korang amek kesempatan..mmg nk kena..meh sini jgn lari...
gadis itu bermain aci2 nyorok2 dgn ito.

ito:dengarlah dlu..biar saya beri penjelasan...pluzzz....

gadis montok:degil sgt korg ni...meh sini i blanje isap shisha nak x?
itis yg agak cemburu ade ke ito sorg dia nak blanje shisha..
itis:i nak jugak..i nak jugak..

itis keluar dari jendela..menghampiri ito.
ito: ko buat apa dtg dkat aku..ko nak mati ke itis?lari
itis:banyak hodoh muka ko,dia nak blanje ko shisha aku pun nak.
ito: larila bodoh
itis buat muka bodh.

tiba2 ade satu haruman yang mengasyikan dan bunyi sruuuuuu...
itis:ito,ni bau ape..knp kpale aku pening.
ito:ko tu nyamuk bodoh,tu Ridsect la.kita dah nak mati ni..
itis:ya ke?oooooo..knp xcakap AWwal2..blh aku lari td..ko kejam ko mmg nak aku mati dgn ko kan ito..aku tak nak kawan ko lg..
ito;si bodoh.aku dah ckp xnak dgr.
itis :inalillah
pek2.buunyi tu memadamkan suare itis dari pendengaran ito.
ito:itis xsempat ko ngucap da meniggal.
pak! uh..inilah pengakhirN kisahku.

bodoh punye due ekor nyamuk,aku tidor sedap2,sesuka korgje duk mengisap betis aku n ehem2 aku ni.bunguk..hahaa padan muka.
lampu dimatikan gadis montok pun sambung tidur.

berakhirlah hidup 2 ekor nyamuk ito :moskito itis :moskitis

im matured

im matured? really?
im doing my assignment...report..owh my god.really tiring.but im gonna finish it as possible as i can.
miss my luvly home already.my sisters.my mum & my dad.i sms my dad yesterday.he is sick.hmmm..

my luvly famili...wait for me k.i will be back soon.


Now we talk bout dis kind of people..
who doesnt satisfy bout others.
enough is enough.
we are getting older.


Wednesday, November 10, 2010

bila sepi berbicara~

ku cuba pejamkan mata serapatnya...
ku cuba mencari bunyi si unggas...
tapi tiada..

dalam kesepian malam ini...
hanya deruan bayu yang meniup lembut...
ku cuba memahami rentaknya...

tapi yang ku fahami hanya satu...
deruan bayu yang meliuk-liuk
di benak hatiku...

tiada apa yang ku fahami..
selain dia...
sepi yang berlagu rindu...
membuai indah segala kenangan aku dan dia...

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

sorry guys~~

not updated my blog yet~

really busy with my exam week....plus assignment that really need my attention on it~
soo..my blog life need to ignore for a while~~

im still busy~~

sorry guys~~

not updated my blog yet~

really busy with my exam week....plus assignment that really need my attention on it~
soo..my blog life need to ignore for a while~~

im still busy~~

sorry guys~~

not updated my blog yet~

really busy with my exam week....plus assignment that really need my attention on it~
soo..my blog life need to ignore for a while~~

im still busy~~